Happy 2025! Please click for TAT and international shipping info


Holidays 2023

Holidays 2023
Happy holidays to one and all!  Here is my holiday shipping information for 2023. These are my suggested purchase dates, as well as additional info...

End of Nov. and Early Dec. Turnaround Time

Thank you for such a successful Thanksgiving / Black Friday sale! Current turnaround time is going to be a little bit longer than usual, likely 8-1...

Shipping Updates June 1 2020

Update about shipping and transit times, June 1 2020. The global COVID-19 situation is still causing delays in shipping transit times. Worldwide, p...

USPS shipping delay updates

USPS shipping delay updates
USPS has announced slower transit times due to the current global pandemic. These delays will affect how quickly your packages arrive to you, so pl...